Winter Fronts

Model Part Price
International 2600 WSI2600 $225.00
International 3800 bus WSI474900 $225.00
International 4300 WSI434400 $200.00
International 4400 WSI434400 $200.00
International 4700 WSI474900 $225.00
International 4900 WSI474900 $225.00
International 5600 WSI929400 $225.00
International 5900 post 2011 WSI929400 $225.00
International 5900 Pre 1997 WSI929400 $225.00
International 5900 pre 2011 WSI9900 $275.00
International 7400 WSI7400 $225.00
International 7500 WSI7400 $225.00
International 7600 WSI7400 $225.00
International 7600 slope nose 2013 WSI7600 $250.00
International 8100 1997-2000 WSI8100 $250.00
International 8100 Pre 1997 WSI8100 $250.00
International 8500 WSI434400 $200.00
International 8600 Transtar WSI8600 $225.00
International 9100 WSI9100 $250.00
International 9200 WSI929400 $225.00
International 9300 WSI9300 $225.00
International 9400 WSI929400 $225.00
International 9900 WSI9900 $275.00
International Bluebird vision WSIBBVISION $200.00
International CF500 WSICF600 $175.00
International CF600 WSICF600 $175.00
International CV WSICV $250.00
International Durastar WSI434400 $200.00
International HV607 2016-2019 flat nose WSI7400 $225.00
International HV607 cummins L9 and blunt hood WSIWORKSTAR $250.00
International HV607 sloped hood WSI434400 $200.00
International HV613 blunt hood WSIWORKSTAR $250.00
International HX520 set forward axle cummins motor WSIHX520 $275.00
International HX515 set forward axle A26 motor WSIHX515 $275.00
International HX615 WSIHX615 $250.00
International HX620 set back axle WSIHX615 $250.00
International IC Bus WSIICBUS $200.00
International Lonestar WSILONESTAR $275.00
International LT 2017+ WSILT $250.00
International MV WSI434400 $200.00
International MXT WSI434400 $200.00
International Paystar 5000 1997 WSI8100 $250.00
International Paystar 5000 1998+ WSIPS5000 $225.00
International Paystar 5000 pre 1997 WSIPS5000 $225.00
International Prostar WSIPROSTAR $225.00
International RH613 2019 WSIPROSTAR $225.00
International S 1900 WSI1900 $225.00
International Terrastar WSITERRASTAR $200.00
International Vista bus WSIVSTA $200.00
International Workstar WSIWORKSTAR $250.00

we are currently open by appointment only.

If you wish to book an appointment, place an order or just get some more info, feel free to send us an email or give us a call.